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Keep up to date with what's going on at Broadside Training.

Dec 23, 2022
The four things every vocational learner should know......
As with all things in life, there is a spectrum of those who choose to engage (or not to engage) with training, CPD, vocational courses...

Jun 18, 2020
Celebrate good times!
We are delighted to announce that all of the learners who have recently taken our Qualify at Home Level 2 Working as a Security Officer...

May 18, 2020
We've got it all going online!
It’s been a challenge for many businesses to find a way forward at this time that allows them to continue meeting customer demands. As a...

Apr 9, 2020
Things to be thankful for
As we went about our normal lives, in the time before the virus, it was so easy to take everything for granted. There would be food in...

Apr 6, 2020
You've got to move it, move it!
To be happy and healthy it is essential that we keep both our bodies and minds active. Thankfully following the current government...

Mar 26, 2020
How are you doing right now?
These are strange times we are currently living in and for many people it will be a time of fear and uncertainty. While it is true that...
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